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Ibn Sina Foundation

The history of the state pf the Lakhmids: monograph

D. E. Mishin



This work is an attempt to reconstruct the history of the Lakhmid state, which existed from the second half of the 3rd to to the beginning of the 7th century in the southwest Iraq. The rulers of the Lakhmid dynasty reigned over a number of Arab tribes, including those living in Arabia, but at the same time were subject to the Sasanian rulers and served as their governors. The book describes the political history of the state of the Lakhmids, provides observations and generalizations as to its development.

Much attention was given to the history of the Sasanian dynasty and its policy towards the Arabs.


Mishin D.E. The history of the state pf the Lakhmids: monograph / D.E. Mishin. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2017. – 448 p. – [Islamic and pre-Islamic world: history and politics].