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Abstract This book includes four lectures of the famous Muslim thinker and scholar Murtaza Mutahhari (1919—1979), delivered by him on 18–21 Ramadhan 1388 (9–12 September 1968) in Husayniya Irshad. In the introduction the author describes attractive and off-putting features of human character. The first part of the book contains a reflection on the attractive features of Imam Ali, whereas the second part focuses on his appalling strength. Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the most outstanding scholars in Islamic philosophy, mysticism ('irfan), scholasticism, law, and the author of numerous works. His works are still among the most popular books on Islamic…
Abstract The monograph written by S. M. Prozorov was published under the same title in 2004. It contained different types of research related to one common subject – Islam as an ideological system. The second volume devotes three chapters out of four to other aspects of Islam concerning three main subject areas that were not mentioned in the first volume: 1. The Qur’an and Islamic exegetics; 2. Sufism as a way of interpretation and existence of Islam; 3. Academic research and Islamic education in Russia. While researching into these aspects of Islam, the author based himself upon original Arabic sources,…
Abstract Мөселман дөньясында, аеруча шигыйлар мохитендә, үзенең әһәмияте буенча Изге Коръәннән генә калыша торган җыентыкның татар теленә беренче тулы тәрҗемәсе. «Нәһҗ үль-бәлага» — «Cөйләм осталыгы» бүген барлык гарәп гуманитар югары уку йортларында өйрәнелә, чөнки аның теле — югары «садж» яисә рифмалан-ган прозаның үрнәкле стиле. Җыентык өч өлештән — хөтбә, хатлар һәм афоризмнардан (канатлы сүзләр) тора. Аларны төрле вакытта һәм хәл-вакыйгаларда, әмма бер үк тарихи җирлектә — пәйгамбәрнең вафатыннан соң ике генә дистә ел үткәндә Ислам хәлифәлеген чолгап алган беренче сәяси фетнә чорында имам Гали сөйләп ишеттергән яисә үз куллары белән язган. Элеге басмада — җыентыкның «Хикмәтле фикерләр» дигән өлеше. Китапта…
Abstract This book is devoted to Nowruz, an ancient Iranian celebration, and contains an analysis of its role and potential in the processes of cultural integration and public diplomacy within the borders of Iranian civilization range. The author describes a number of rites inherent to Nowruz celebration in different countries influenced by Iranian culture, providing analysis for similar and distinct features of spring festivals in different nations. The book also contains some solutions regarding integration processes based on cultural and historical affinity of the Middle East region and the Central Asia. The book is intended for a wide range of…
Abstract This book is a concise version of the “Research on scientific miracles of the Qur’an”, which was republished several times in Iran and attracted attention of academic community. The book is devoted to topic-based commenting of the Qur’an, which is usually done in 2 ways: 1) traditional Qur’anic exegesis, when the topics of the Qur’an itself are classified and analysed; 2) modern exegesis, when topics are taken from the social life of people and compared to the text of the Holy Scripture, which allows to clarify the Qur’anic stance on certain issues. This edition feature the second way of…
Abstract This seminal work of Henry Corbin (1903–1978) is devoted to the history of philosophical thought in Islamic world. The work contains a review of the sacral Shia teaching of the Twelve imams (including explanation of such terms like “nubuwwat”, “walayat”, “ta’wil”, “taqiya” etc) and ismailism; as well as the teachings of mutazilites, asharites, Brethren of Purity, philosophical views of Razi, Biruni, Khwarizmi, Ibn Al-Haitham, Al-Kindi, Farabi, Abu Hamid Gazali; philosophy and metaphysics of Sufism (represented by the mystics Abu Yazid Bistami, Junayd, Hakim Tirmizi, Khallaj, Najm ad-Din Kubra, Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Muhmad Shabistari and others); school of ishrakism (philosophy…
Abstract This new book about Iran contains a lot of relevant information useful for those interested in this wonderful country or planning to visit it. Six chapters cover different aspects of Iran’s cultural and social life, its history and geography, architecture and music, cultural customs and rich literary legacy of this ancient country. The appendix features charts for converting dates of lunar and solar hijri year to Gregorian calendar dates. For general audience. Imprint Hatami Ahmad. Iran: country and people / translated from Farsi by M. Emami, V. Norik. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2016. – 432 p. – [Our Iran].
Abstract Mortaza Mutahhari is one of the most prominent thinkers in the modern history of Iran. He dedicated his entire life to comprehension and promotion of science, philosophy and wisdom, making great efforts to revive Islamic culture. This book written by this great educator contains a collection of philosophic, edifying stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his companions and descendants. Written in a vigorous and poetic style, these stories reveal best qualities in readers, instilling kindness, honesty, generosity and love to people. Without any doubt, readers of all ages will find them interesting. For general audience. Imprint…