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Ibn Sina Foundation


Abstract The book of a famous philosopher, Muhammad Legenhausen, is a perfect example of interaction between Western philosophical and Eastern religious traditions. Being an expert in Western philosophical tradition, the author uses it as a background for analysing key issues of Islamic philosophical and religious thought that cause controversy nowadays. The author’s objective is to present these problems, which are often remain ignored in the discussions of Western philosophers, in a more comprehensive way on a global scale. The book is beneficial for all those interested in the questions of modern philosophy, including its Islamic tradition, and also for those…
Abstract This work constitutes a research on the ideas of religious formation. Exploring the history of the reformist thought and presenting it as a part of universal experience, the philosopher points out main factors, methods and examples of reformist movements. Reflecting on the search of real, reasonable and humane solutions for any nation’s problems and challenges, he formulates reforms’ major principles and goals, defining importance of reformist ideas for modern Islamic society. The book is meant for general readers interested in the philosophy of Islamic world. Imprint Al-Janabi, М. М. Philosophy of modern Islamic reformation. – М. : ООО Sadra,…
Abstract This book of the famous Muslim philosopher S.H. Nasr is devoted to three major figures in the history of Islamic thought — Ibn Sina (Avicenna), as-Suhrawardi and Ibn Arabi. The author turns to the works of these prominent thinkers to explain the main principles of falsafa, ishrakism and Sufism — powerful dimensions of Arab Muslim philosophy of the classical Islam era. The book is meant for general readers interested in the intellectual history of Islamic world. Imprint Seyyid Hossein Nasr. Islamic philosophers: Avicenna (Ibn Sina), as-Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi / Seyyid Hossein Nasr; translation from English, introduction and comments by…
Abstract The book of Seyyid Hossein Nasr, a famous contemporary Iran-American thinker and academician (born 1933), explores the sources of the teaching of Sadr ad-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra, 1572—1640) an outstanding Iranian philosopher of the Safavid era (1499—1722), central figure of the so-called Isfahan school, as well as his life, works and influence of his teaching on the following generations of Iranian philosophers. The work is aimed at experts in Islamic and Iranian studies, as well as general readers interested in Arab Muslim philosophy and intellectual history of Iran. Imprint Seyyid Hossein Nasr. Sadr ad-Din Shirazi and his transcendental theosophy:…
Abstract The work is devoted to a research on ontological and epistemological foundations of Sufism, one of the leading movements of classical Arab Muslim philosophy. The author examines the reasons for emergence of a mystical dimension in Islam and its transformation into a philosophical Sufism. On the basis of extensive textological material Sufism is scrutinized in all its historical forms as a whole phenomenon. The author focuses on presenting Sufi concepts in the light of their establishment and development. The work is complemented with an index of names and subjects and a glossary of Arabic terms and notions. Imprint Nasyrov…
Abstract The book deals with a sociological research. The author presents the views of a contemporary Iranian scholar — Muhammad Taqi Jafari — on the social theory. The book’s chapters contain the opinions of prominent thinkers on liberal arts and main conclusions of longstanding discussions on social issues. This work constitutes an attempt to enrich the existing body of literature on comparative sociology and social philosophy. The edition is meant for researchers in philosophy and sociology, university students and well-informed readers. Imprint Miri, Seyed Javad. Social thinking of Allama Jafari / translated from English by O.A. Povoroznyuk. — М.: ООО…
Abstract This book tells the story of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them), whose names are well-known to all followers of monotheistic religions. In Islam Adam was not only the ancestor of all people, but also the first prophet of Allah. The book reveals important details of the Qur’anic viewpoint on different stages of Adam and Eve’s life, highlighting specific features of Islamic perception of this story compared to Christian perception. The story is written in a simple and interesting manner and is mainly aimed at children. It is supposed to inculcate in little Muslims the basic principles of…
Abstract This book is about the right (from Islamic point of view) approach to family life. The author describes the personality traits and other aspects that should be taken into account while looking for a spouse, the rules of marriage proposal, wedding preparations and the wedding itself. Basing himself on the Qur’anic ayahs and the Prophet Muhammad’s hadiths, he lays out what young people should know, who they should listen to, and how they should make this most important decision of their life on their own. Imprint Amini, Ibrahim. Youth and choice of a spouse / translated from Farsi by…