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Ibn Sina Foundation


Abstract The book consists of the articles written in 1351-1352 hijri (1972-1973) by a prominent Muslim thinker, Murtaza Mutahhari, and published in the “Maktab-i Islam” magazine (“School of Islam”). The scholar provides an introduction to Nahj al-Balagha (Peak of Eloquence), a book that comes second after the Qur’an by its value, especially in the Shia countries. It is a collection of speeches, letters and sayings of Imam Ali, a cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. It consists of 3 parts: sermons (hutbas), letters and wise sayings pronounced or written by Imam Ali at different times and in different circumstances,…
Abstract The work is devoted to the sciences studying the Qur'an, Muslims' Holy Scripture. Comparing the achievements of Muslim philosophers, the author expresses his own opinion, strengthening it with scientific data and his own clear arguments. The author focuses on different types of Qur’an recitation; distinctions of ayahs having special names; interpretation of huruf al-mukatta'a; specific features of parables and stories in the Qur’an etc. The book features comments, indices, and a glossary of Arabic terms. The edition is aimed at experts in the Qur'anic and Oriental studies, as well as general readers interested in Islam. Imprint Ma'rifat M.H. Qur'anic…
Abstract This collection of poems entitled “The Qur’an and Muhammad in Russian classical poetry” includes the works of Russian poets reflecting the Arab Muslim cultural motives, as well as their corresponding translations into Arabic done by Cand. Sc. (History), Nazim ad-Deyravi. The collection contains 40 poems written by G.R. Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Shishkov, A.F. Veltman, F.I. Tyutchev, P.G. Obodovskiy, L.A. Yakubovich, A.N. Muravyev, M. Yu. Lermontov, Ya. P. Polonskiy, K.D. Balmont, I.A. Bunin. The Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's image inspired the poets who created these works. Extensive notes contain comments and interpretations of the poems, as well as…
Abstract This book provides the author’s comments for six Qur’anic surahs, namely “An-Naba”, “An-Nazi’at”, “’Abasa”, “At-Takweer”, “Al-Infitar”, “Al-Mutaffifeen”. Written in plain language and thoroughly commented, it represents an important addition to the materials for studying Qur’an in Russian language. The work is intended not only for researchers knowledgeable in Qur’anic studies, but also for all well-informed readers interested in Islamic cultural studies. Imprint Bistuni, Muhammad. The Qur’an and the youth. Vol. 26: From surah “An-Naba” to the surah “Fajr” / ed. by M. Shirazi; [translated from Farsi by D.Mirzoyev]. — М.: ООО Sadra, 2013. — 262 p.
Abstract Muhammad Husayn Tabata'i is a prominent Iranian philosopher and theologist of the 20th century. His book entitled “The Qur’an in Islam” was published in 1962 and became very popular, being a comprehensible and systematized description of the Qur’an and its importance for the Islamic world. Later the book was republished while preparing for the publication of Tabata’i’s selected works. The last edition was translated into Russian and includes the scholar’s personal history. In this book the Iranian scholar examines the Quran’s structure and the order of surahs, reasons about the particular features of Qur’anic teaching, follows the expansion of…
Abstract The Orientalists of the Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Dagestan State University introduce and publish the materials from private libraries. This collection belongs to Diya’addin Yusuf Hakki al-Kurihi, one of the leading representatives of the Dagestan intelligentsia, a sheikh of the Naqshbandi order. Imprint Shihsaidov A.R. Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts and early printed books: collection of Diya’addin Yusuf Hajju al-Kurihi / A.R. Shihsaidov, A.R. Navruzov, Z. Sh. Zakariyev, N.G. Mamed-zade, ed. by A.R. Shihsaidov; Dagestan State University; Institute of history, archaeology and ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of…
Abstract The study guide covers the whole range of the Islamic philosophical thought, illustrating its evolution from the moment of philosophical reflection emergence until the present time. It examines main movements and schools of the classical period: mutazilism, falsafa, philosophy of illumination, philosophical teachings of Ismailis and Sufis. The concept of Ibn Khaldun and the philosophy of the Safavid era represent the post-classical period. The book sheds light on philosophical quest of contemporary Arab Muslim thinkers. It also describes distinguishing features of Islamic authoritative texts (the Qur’an and Sunnah), as well as main features of the Islamic faith, law and…
Abstract The book includes texts placed according to the structure of the “History of Arab Muslim philosophy” study guide. It features many translations done specially for this edition or published in a new version with updated comments. This is a first book containing works that present the entire history of the Arab Muslim philosophy — from its origins until the present time. Imprint The history of the Arab Muslim philosophy: Anthology / ed. by A.V. Smirnov.– М.: Akademichesky Proyekt, 2013. – 267 p. – (Concepts).